
The Future of Education

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Disclaimer 1: still under development think

Disclaimer 2: I like writing dystopia because nowadays epoch is like a roller coaster, so there’s a slight chance if I thought of 10 possibilities during the night, in the morning 1 really happens, that’s the thrill about it.

When traditional classrooms, schools and teachers will gradually be abandoned, is IA only, be left and responsible for educating young humans ? Who will govern the knowledge promotion policy ? How can nations continue to produce citizens ? Is the universal nature of networks and IA going to produce the ultimate totalitarian system mankind would have ever had ? Is delegating worldwide governance to an IA an appropriate tradeoff to stop stupid wars and environment spoiling ? If the IA is programmed with a bias, who is taking profit of it, in other words, who is the true world leader ? Is it the last decade we can make joke ?

Episode 1 How IA sees education soon.

Observe body segregation and self and supervised teaching, maybe first retaining dedicated places to gather but then home education will save a lot of money and avoid unmonitored relationships and troubles. Supervisors will gradually monitor more and more students hence fewer will remain and be a powerful caste.

Episode 2 The turn point

Augmented with IA technology, humans will think differently, gain undreamt-of new abilities, like crushing large amount of data and put up visuals in seconds, laser-synthetizing interminable speech in no time, arrange personal or large teams timetables the most cleverly, amongst many others.

Asking if it’s good or bad is the wrong question. The cloud period has come boldly. As Humanity collective intelligence is making a leap forward, human individual spirit will adjust, while our body still remain as is. It’s too short an extent on the evolution scale, to pretend we will develop longer fingers, bigger eyes, more active brain, telepathic skills. However destiny of many humans is to undergo the ruling of the techno leaders.

IA will give workers a productive advantage to crush competitors. Hence unconverted workers will quickly comply to the new norm to come. Given a small impetus to use these technology like a one month free plan, individuals and companies will soon reach a no-return point of total dependence.

Maybe it will increase the collective sense of urgency to manage very efficiently the resources, having deep new insights. And because technology is not self replicating like life is, on the top some form of life can sleep for centuries before restart, and because current technology needs enormous amounts of resources, that will necessarily prompt for peace and order.

We are 21th century’s neandertal. At best a fraction of our humanity will remain in the next humanity, like we have actually 1 to 4% of this ancient lineage ADN in our. The risk is that the augmented technologization collapse all at a sudden because of resource shortage, greed and war.

So how best shall we ask the IA we shape today to educate our children, refering Asimov robotics laws ? Even for today only seem-clever IA, how best should we tune the algorithm to promote a bright future ? Has Aldous Huxley’s Brave new world finally come. Now it’s time to design our tomorrow humanity ? I think it’s time for UNO to open a new section to engage the dialog and mediate these questions, as urgently as peace and climate are concerning.

SF Movies

Here are my favorite fictions figuring techno-humans : Jodorowsky’s Metabaron, Twohy’s Riddick ex-necromonger. It looks like technology and war are one. I witness it’s true, in history, military buildup and science leap are concomitant.

I like these movies asking about the barrier between the human and the machine, Alien (Covenant please) and the mysterious android called David, the Terminators of course (Last Judgment’s T-800 is so cool), the replicant K in Blade Runner (Villeneuve’s so beautiful), Matrix (perso I like Resurrection) Are Neo and Trinity a simulation in the end ? Last year Edward’s The Creator is very welcome as well. I have also good souvenir of Chappie, Her, IRobot, RealSteel, WallE. How many times did I watch Wall-E with my kids ?

The next hot tech to come is bio-engineering, where human would remodel themselves, not being augmented with add-on techs but turn into a new specie. It hopefully sounds like we are not ready to break the ethical barriers that manipulating extensively our ADN would make

eugénisme Bienvenu à Gattaca Transhumanisme Depp’s Transcendance Lucy, Limitless Elysium Augmented Ghost in the Shell Steve Austin man worth 3 millions

to read:  La musique du sang, Greg Bear La Sonate Hydrogène, Iain Banks Dune, Herbert Robocop Ex machina

Where does IA generalization lead, augmented human, hybridation, autonomous IA, cyborg, techno-humans. Isn’t it the way trans-humanism is pursuing ? By augmenting humans, some will gain power, many will loose their soul. Individuals affected by schyzophrenia, dementia are going to be legion. Is it the price for being able to escape to the stars and have a slight chance to survive in the most perilous environments, in OutSpace or desolated planets or flying rocks. It is certainly required to seriously plan that kind of wander. Why the hell though most of the population should pay the effort and drawbacks to allow that kind of fullness. If it were not a religion, it would fatally fail very soon.

More pragmatically we can see in recent wars that IA use by army to point high value targets is inducing too much ethical price and is somehow counter productive, indeed collateral damage is very bad in informational war. Nonetheless the possible advent of autonomous mechanised combating robots does send shivers down our spine. Leaders are prompt at using their strategic assets to ensure domination. I can’t imagine smaller powers that can’t enroll millions in battle will naturally shift to that kind of army.