
C# Language Tips 3

logo Մι∩z•thedev · Follow Published in Coding · 6 min read · 1 day ago __ 👏65k 💬321 🔖 ⤴️ __


Here are the fishes I angled while coding. You can fry them the way you like, just share with the community, ie. Stackoverflow is my favorite ;-)

Foreword ‘EF’ for non-initiated ones is diminutive for ‘Entity Framework’, the reference ORM for .Net

primary constructors

less typing, very convenient for dependency injection

public class MyService
    private readonly IRepository _repo;

    public MyService(IRepository repo)
        _repo = repo;

//turns into

public class MyService(IRepository repo)


EF without state management

By default EF tracks all the changes, for good (what do you expect of an ORM after all?) and for worse (performance…) Some design are simply not compatible with EF default behavior, hence needing to tune it to be much more like a query builder than a full-fledged ORM.

var thing = _dbContext.Things.Find(thingId);
_dbContext.Entry<TThing>(thing).State = EntityState.Detached;

var entity = _dbContext.Add(thing)
entity.State = EntityState.Detached;

public IQueryable<TThing> Things 
	=> _dbContext.Things.AsNoTracking();

EF Exceptions

//enable meaningful EF exception message, don't! if sensitive...
public class MyContext : DbContext
    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder builder)


//1.newer TransactionScope
using var scope = new TransactionScope()


//2.older BeginTransaction
using var transaction = _back.Database.BeginTransaction();
 /*or*/ transaction.Rollback();

//   TransactionScope is auto rollback on fail
    using var transactionScope = new TransactionScope();
	// if success so far, commit the transaction
catch (Exception ex)
    // transaction will be rolled back if exception occurs
//   TransactionScope does async
using var scope = new TransactionScope(
await context.Things.ToListAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
//   TransactionScope allows easier nested scope in scope

//BUT TransactionScope not supported by all db, ie. sqlite,
//    so BeginTransaction is more reliable


That’s for .NET Core API to be able to parse nullable int, which is not as trivial as it seems

    booking.MapGet("/", (
            [FromQuery(Name = "pricemin")] NullableInt priceMin,
            [FromQuery(Name = "pricemax")] NullableInt priceMax,
        => ...
public class NullableInt : IParsable<NullableInt>
    public int? Value { get; init; } = null;

    public static NullableInt Parse(string value, IFormatProvider? provider)

        if (!TryParse(value, provider, out var result))
            throw new ArgumentException("Could not parse supplied value.", nameof(value));

        return result;

    public static bool TryParse(string? value, IFormatProvider? provider, out NullableInt nullableInt)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
            nullableInt = new NullableInt();

            return true;

        if (int.TryParse(value, out var intValue))
            nullableInt = new NullableInt() { Value = intValue };

            return true;

        nullableInt = new NullableInt();

        return false;

Producer loop : yield

yield return, yield break, yield continue, same as traditional return, break, continue but operates as IEnumerable. That’s interesting because the data is produced just-in-time and not in bulk, hence preserving resources and reducing latency.

public IEnumerable<Item> GetItems()
    for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        yield return new Item
            Id = i

Funny C#8+ indexers

var numbers = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

//C#8+ indexers

numbers[0] // first element <--> numbers[length-length]
numbers[4] // last element <--> numbers[length-1]
numbers[^5] // first element <--> numbers[length-length]
numbers[^1] // last element <--> numbers[length-1]

numbers[..^3]; //<--> numbers[0..^3]; 
numbers[2..];//<--> numbers[2..^0]; 
numbers[..];//<--> numbers[0..^0]; 

string str = "/a/b/c/"
str[..^1] //trim end slash
str[^1..] //trim start slash

Range indexes = 0..4;

int[] numbers = [..Enumerable.Range(0, 5)];

Span<int> subnumbers = numbers[1..3];

//funny but not always very useful

Range to replace for loop

for(int i = start; i < count; i++) ...

//changed for

	.Range(start, count)
	.ForEach(i => ... 

For example, let’s convert a string of hex characters to bytes (we need 2 hex digits to make up 1 byte and repeat…)

ret = Enumerable
	.Range(0, hex.Length)
	.Where(i => i % 2 == 0)
	.Select(i => Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16))

To be or not to be Nullable…

Thing is nullable int is not nullable int? is nullable …

public static bool IsNullable(this Type ClrType)
		return true; // Reference Type  
	if (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(ClrType) != null)
		return true; // Nullable<T>
	return false;    // Value Type  

Underlying type

  public static Type GetUnderlyingClrType(this Type ClrType)  
                if (ClrType == typeof(string))  
                    return ClrType;  
                if (!IsNullable(ClrType))  
                    return ClrType;  
                return Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(ClrType);  

Range enumeration

You like range from, count ? You want range from, to ?

public static class EnumerableHelper
    public static IEnumerable<int> RangeTo(this int from, int to)
        return Enumerable.Range(from, to - from + 1);

Random order enumeration

public static class EnumerableHelper
    private static Random Random = new Random();

    public static IEnumerable<T> AsRandomEnumerable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> collection)
        var scrambled = collection
            .OrderBy(item => Random.Next());

        foreach (var item in scrambled)
            yield return item;

Hash-32 not enough

Sometimes you feel you should extend the yard were you throw peebles into, to avoid possible wreck… that does not mean you shouldn’t double-check collisions….

Here is a way to get Hash-64 for a string

public static class HashHelper

    private static BlockingCollection<SHA256> Shas = NewShaCollection();

    private static BlockingCollection<SHA256> NewShaCollection()
        var ret = new BlockingCollection<SHA256>(Environment.ProcessorCount);
        for (var i = 0; i < ret.BoundedCapacity; i++)

        return ret;

    private static T? GetASha<T>(Func<SHA256, T?> use)
        var sha = Shas.Take();

        Exception? ex = default;
        T ret = default;
            ret = use(sha);
        catch (Exception ex_)
            ex = ex_;


        if (ex != null)
            throw ex;

        return ret;

    public static long GetHashCode64(this string str)
        var bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);

        return GetHashCode64(bytes);

    public static long GetHashCode64(params byte[][] byteArrays) 
        => GetHashCode64(byteArrays
            .Select(arr => arr.AsEnumerable())
            .Aggregate((arr1, arr2) => arr1.Concat(arr2))

    public static long GetHashCode64(this IEnumerable<byte> bytes) 
        => GetHashCode64(bytes.ToArray());

    public static long GetHashCode64(this byte[] bytes) => GetASha(aSha =>
        var sha = aSha.ComputeHash(bytes); //32 bytes
        ulong uhash = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                var b = sha[i * 8 + j];

                uhash ^= (ulong)b << j * 8;

        var hash = unchecked((long)uhash + long.MinValue);

        return hash;

DateTime rounded to the second

    private static readonly long HalfSecondTicks = TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / 2;

    public static DateTime RoundToTheSecond(this DateTime date)
        var ret = date;

        var fractionalTicks = ret.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;

        ret = ret.AddTicks(-fractionalTicks);

        if (fractionalTicks >= HalfSecondTicks)
            ret = ret.AddTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);

        return ret;

Lost in Translation

EF, do you copy that ?

//query the IQueryable

if (query.LostInTranslation(out var sql, out var translationError))
	throw new ServerErrorException(new Exception("We are hiring a new developer..."));

public static bool LostInTranslation<TEntity>
	this IQueryable<TEntity> query,
	out string? sql,
	out string? translationError
	where TEntity : class
		sql = query.ToQueryString();
		translationError = null;

		return false;
	catch (Exception ex)
		sql = null;
		translationError = ex.Message;

		Console.Error.WriteLine($@"Lost in translation!

		return true;

Program information

//That helper parse and print Program name, version and build configuration
//  ie. Booking.API.exe (Debug)

//tested in windows
//not tested in mac, linux, please improve

using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace VinZ.ToolBox;

public record ProgramInfo(string? ExeName, string ExeVersion, string BuildConfiguration)
    public void Print()
{ExeName} {ExeVersion} ({BuildConfiguration})

    public static ProgramInfo Current 
        => GetProgramInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());

    public static ProgramInfo GetProgramInfo(Assembly assembly)
        var dllPath = assembly.Location;
        var rx = new Regex(@"^(?<path>.*)\.dll$");
        var match = rx.Match(dllPath);
        var exePath = !match.Success ? default : match.Result("${path}.exe");
        var exeName = exePath == default ? default : Path.GetFileName(exePath);
        var exeVersion = exePath == default ? "???" : System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(exePath).FileVersion;

        var buildConfiguration = IsDebugBuild(assembly) ? "Debug" : "Release";

        return new ProgramInfo(exeName, exeVersion, buildConfiguration);

    public static bool IsDebugBuild(Assembly assembly)
        return assembly
            .Any(attr => attr.IsJITTrackingEnabled);

discard assignment

_ = who_the_hells_cares_about;

_ = 2024; //roughly means, let's forget 2024 ...

//much more useful is tuple partial deconstruction

var (_, fun, _) = tuple; //do your shopping !

switch regex

var str = "yummy";

switch (str)
	case var s when Regex.IsMatch(s, "yucky"):
		something = 1;

	case var s when Regex.IsMatch(userName, "yummy"):
		something = 2;
