
C# Language Tips 1

logo Մι∩z•thedev · Follow Published in Coding · 6 min read · 1 day ago __ 👏65k 💬321 🔖 ⤴️ __


There are really nice ways to express ourselves in C#.

Here are a couple of them I like.

record / with

public record class Location(int PositionX, int PositionY)
    Location MoveEast() => this with
        PositionX = PositionX + 1

key/value pair deconstructor (C#7)

foreach ((var p, var quantity) in _productQuantities)

implicit cast

    public static implicit operator Location(
        (int PositionX, int PositionY) location
        => new(location.PositionX, location.PositionY);

functional-style switch

public RoverStatus DryRun(MoveEnum move) => move switch
        MoveEnum.R => TurnRight(),
        MoveEnum.L => TurnLeft(),
        MoveEnum.M => Direction switch
            DirectionEnum.N => MoveNorth(),
            DirectionEnum.S => MoveSouth(),
            DirectionEnum.E => MoveEast(),
            DirectionEnum.W => MoveWest(),
            _ => throw new NotImplementedException()
        _ => throw new NotImplementedException()


    [Obsolete("deprecated, please use blabla instead.")]

regex named capture groups

public enum DirectionEnum { N, W, S, E }

private static readonly string AllDirections = 
        .Cast<DirectionEnum>().Select(x => $"{x}")
        .Aggregate((x, y) => x + y);

private static readonly Regex StatusRx =
        new(@$"(?<PositionX>[+-]?\d+) +(?<PositionY>[+-]?\d+) +(?<Direction>[{AllDirections}])");

record with validation (to be extended)

public abstract record RecordWithValidation
    protected RecordWithValidation() => Validate();
    protected virtual void Validate() { }


public void status_of_new_Rover__by_string()
    var controller = new MissionController("9 9");
    var rover = controller.AddRover("5 5 E");
    Check.That(rover.PrintDispatch()).IsEqualTo("5 5 E");

fluent assertions

public void width_zero_or_negative__by_value(int Width)
    int MaximumX = Width - 1, MaximumY = 5;
    FluentActions.Invoking(() => new MissionController(MaximumX, MaximumY))
        .WithMessage("plateau has invalid corner -- MaximumX must be 1 or greater odd");


using tuples, no need to do complex prime xor

public override int GetHashCode() => (X, Y, Z).GetHashCode();