
Optimizing docker image

logo Մι∩z•thedev · Follow Published in Coding · 6 min read · 1 day ago __ 👏65k 💬321 🔖 ⤴️ __ Dive is a utility to browse docker image


Basically a docker image is a sandwich whose slices are called steps and stages. The FROM instruction in the Dockerfile says copy that sandwich, I’ll customize it with my toppings…

There you go !

Dive let you lift each slice and check the ingredients the previous cook put in, the ingredients you put as well. Hence you can ponder if all the stuff was really necessary and in case the answer is no, try to remove some to make the sandwich still good but more digestible. Let’s trim down the fat and move the belly swiftly !



I had to upgrade my Dive command-line utility, in order to browse my docker images, after my Docker Desktop upgrade to 4.29.

Indeed, docker changed image format to be OCI compatible. My Dive was v0.10.0. Check that with dive -v. Hopefully v0.12.0 fixes the issue. Get it with elevated choco install -y dive --version=0.12.0

dive my csharp project

dive bookingapi

